Sona Jobarteh
Women’s Voices Series

Sunday, March 20, 2022
Peter Norton Symphony Space
2537 Broadway at 95th St, Manhattan
Please Note: Symphony Space has updated their Covid protocols to include a booster requirement.
Doors: 6:30 PM | Show: 7:30 PM
Tickets: $35 | $45 | $55 | $75 – VIP (VIP ticket includes preferred seating) – member benefits apply
Gambian vocalist, kora master, and multi-instrumentalist Sona Jobarteh is a pioneering musical icon whose artistry is poised between the preservation of her rich cultural heritage and an accessible modern style that appeals to audiences all over the world. Born into a griot family, she is the first female artist within the more than 700-year old tradition to become a professional virtuoso on the kora. She is equally known and admired for her dedication to educational reform as the Founding Director of The Gambia Academy. The BBC World Service hails her “a griot for a new generation of West Africans”.
The WOMEN’S VOICES series celebrates the role that female artists play in the preservation and promotion of their respective cultures and traditions.